The Positive Effects of Gaming
Gaming is playing an electronic video game on a console, PC or smartphone. The activity has become hugely popular worldwide with over 3 billion people now playing games. Gaming has been shown to have many positive effects when played in moderation for fun and recreation but can also be used as a tool for learning, social interaction, exercise, therapy and even problem-solving. It has also been linked to increased hand-to-eye coordination and better spatial thinking skills.
A growing number of studies show that gamers develop certain cognitive abilities, including better logic and problem-solving skills. This is attributed to the fact that many video games involve strategic thinking and decision making. Interestingly, a study in 2015 found that professional gamers showed greater brain activity in the areas of their brain dedicated to problem solving and logic. Another benefit of gaming is that it improves visual selective attention and spatial resolution, which are skills needed for STEM-related jobs (Wai, 2010).
Gamers have also been shown to have higher levels of sensitivity to reward and punishment than non-gamers. This is because of the way that many games have been designed and the feedback they provide players with. This sensitivity to reward and punishment is often referred to as hedonic tone and is believed to be one of the main reasons that gamers tend to be more self-motivated than non-gamers.
While gaming can help to reduce stress and depression, it can also lead to addiction and in severe cases, gaming disorder. This is because it can cause people to spend an excessive amount of time on their consoles, which in turn can have a negative impact on their health and relationships. The disorder can also cause problems with sleep, eating, concentration and socializing.
The most important thing to remember is that gaming should be enjoyed as a form of entertainment, not as a means of escape from reality. It is important for gamers to understand the difference between the two and take steps to prevent their gaming from becoming a problem. If you feel that you are losing interest in your favourite game try changing your genre or finding new hobbies and activities to keep yourself busy. This will give you a fresh perspective on your gaming and could reignite your passion for it. You should also take breaks when you are playing to avoid eye strain. This is especially important if you play for long periods of time. Staring at a screen for prolonged periods of time can lead to blurred vision, dry eyes and headaches. It is also a good idea to change positions often and to look away from the screen every 20 minutes or so. If you do this, you should notice a big difference in how much you enjoy your gaming experience.