How Do We Identify Gamers?
According to a survey by ukie, there are 2.2 billion gamers in the world. In April 2018, the Asia-Pacific region generated the largest amount of revenue, with USD 71.4 billion. The next largest regions are North America (32.7 billion) and Europe, Middle East and Africa (28.7billion). The South and Latin America regions each generated a little over five dollars billion in revenue, but Mexico was not included in the survey.
It is clear that gamers are a major segment of society, and yet most young males who play games would never call themselves gamers. This is due in part to the toxic online activities of a certain section of the gaming population. Regardless of gender, gaming has become a huge public pastime and is no longer a niche activity. In addition to being a popular and profitable activity, scientific research has shown tangible cognitive benefits. In addition, the social and psychological benefits of gaming are not the same as those associated with a destructive behavior.
While the gaming sector continues to grow, the number of young male gamers is declining. While the majority of young men who play video games would not consider themselves gamers, this segment is growing, despite the bleak state of the world. Unfortunately, some of these young male gamers have become unsatisfied with the progress of the world. Because of these activities, the perception of a gamer has become skewed. It is time to rethink our idea of who a gamer is.
While gamers are becoming more popular, the demographic of the gaming population is changing. While it used to be a very specific category, today’s demographics have changed dramatically. While there are more young male gamers, most of them wouldn’t call themselves a gamer. And many of them are unhappy with the direction of the world. The toxic online activities of today have also shifted perceptions of what a gamer is. So, how do we identify gamers?
Among these gamers, young males are a substantial segment. But they wouldn’t call themselves a gamer if they were not a gamer. And it’s not just teenagers who are gaming. There are young boys who are unhappy with the state of the world. Despite the fact that they’re not called “gamers,” there are plenty of teenagers who have been labeled a gamer in the past.
While stereotypes are still relevant, the average gamer isn’t a shy person. He is often very confident and is not shy. And he doesn’t necessarily have an inferiority complex. Unlike those stereotyped as’shysters’, gamer’s attitudes are largely positive. Most gamers aren’t stereotypically categorized as ‘gamer’. They’re a diverse group with a wide range of tastes and backgrounds.