Gamers Are Passionate About Their Hobby
A gamer is someone who plays video games, board games or card games. The term may conjure up preconceived notions of lonely, anti-social, toxic young men who waste their lives playing in someone else’s basement, but it is far from accurate. In fact, a gaming addiction can lead to social isolation, poor diet and exercise, and even physical health problems like high blood pressure and heart disease. However, when used correctly and responsibly, video games can be a powerful educational and social tool.
Our research shows that gamers are a diverse group of people. They range from time fillers, who use games to occupy their free time, to ultimate gamers, who live and breathe gaming. Regardless of their persona, most gamers agree on one thing: they are passionate about the hobby.
Whether they play as part of an e-sports team or simply to beat the competition, gamers are always trying to improve their gameplay. These dedicated players are also more likely to spend money on the latest hardware and software. They are a highly sought after target market for gaming companies.
It is important for brands to understand the diverse personalities of gamers, so they can reach them effectively. It is also essential for marketers to understand how gaming affects the body and mind, and what steps can be taken to mitigate negative effects.
The first step is to understand that gamers are more than just teenagers and young men. The average age of a video game player is 33, and that is a far cry from the image of a lonely teenager in his mom’s basement. Gamers come from a wide variety of socioeconomic backgrounds and are spread across the globe, making them an attractive target market for brands.
To fully understand the gaming habits and motivations of consumers, we created a gamer persona model that identifies six distinct segments within the overall gaming population. We defined each segment by the factors that drive their behavior, including their preferred genre of game, how they spend their time, and what they prioritize in a video game.
1 – Time Fillers
27% of gamers fit into our Time Filler persona, which includes people who play video games to kill time or avoid other activities. These gamers value the ease of access to free-to-play games, subscription services and mobile devices that let them play on the go. They are also more interested in the social aspects of gaming than the competitive aspect.
3 – Bargain Buyers
12% of gamers are our Bargain Buyers, which include people who prefer AAA titles and seek out discounts and sales. These gamers enjoy the feeling of accomplishment that comes from getting a great deal on a game they really love. They are also more interested in the social elements of gaming than the competitive aspects, but they still prioritize the gameplay experience.
4 – Enthusiasts
29% of gamers fall into our Enthusiast persona, which encompasses people who appreciate the exploration and narrative of open world games. This is not surprising, given that all three console platforms offer a variety of games in this category. They also rank storytelling and tactics/strategy higher than the feeling of adrenaline and having the best technology.